Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Diabetes Control And Over The Counter Supplements

I have been a pharmacist for 21 years and certified in diabetes management and I will tell you the issue of supplementation is very controversial and can be misleading to patients. I have encountered diabetics in deep trouble where their fasting blood sugar shot up to 300 and above because they dropped their medications because " they wanted to take natural products like cinnamon and others because they don't have side effects...." or for other reasons.

First let me start by saying that almost all over the counter products are not FDA approved meaning they are not controlled for quality, safety and effectiveness. People are at the mercy of the manufacturer and believe me that the litteratture is full of documentations of products and manufacturers caught with having inadequate amounts of active ingredients or none at all.

By law any manufacturer of over the counter products and supplements can claim anything they want on the package short of saying that this product

"Prevents, Cures or diagnoses a disease". Next time you are at a store pick up any supplement and watch for terminology and I will bet you that you will not see these 3 terms used. They may say "This product "helps memory" or "this product is an aid for sugar metabolism" or "helps promote sugar metabolism..." or similar statements. These statements professionally speaking mean nothing but patients cling on to these terms, self diagnose and self treat their conditions and this is dangerous practice that has affected and is affecting a lot of people. Because you are in the media, you have a responsability to relay the facts and alert people for correct practices.

On the other hand all FDA approved prescription products have undergone a grewling 10 year approval process before they are released into the market and approved for various indications including diabetes. There are quality control procedures that are enforced on manufactures to submit data on quality control manufacturing practises on brand and generic brand names alike, safety and efficacy even after the product is released into the market.

When a drug company claims for example that Actos "is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in patients with type diabetes" then you can take that to the bank because it has been proven by large scale reliable studies that have been reviewed by experts at the FDA and other professional health organizations and that's what we professionals go by. Annecdotes on the internet do not mean technically much.

Now I stay up to date with profeesional informations especially with topics of my interest mentioned on the bottom page. Here is my opinion on supplements that is based on the latest information released in professional pharmacy journals and drug information systems regarding the supplements in question:

Vitamin D plays a vital role in calcium absorption and it's deficency causes a whole host of problems. About 10 minutes exposure to the sun daily helps the body produce enough amounts. People should get about 400 to 800 units a day. Many foods are rich in vitamin D such as fish, eggs and fortified milk. Women should supplement with one pill of 600 mg of calcium plus vitamin D. Evidence about It's use in Diabetes is definitely inconclusive.

Chromium Picolinate: Has been studied in sprint athletes and has shown to improve sugar uptake to the muscles but has not been shown to be of any advantage in diabetes.

Cinnamon: There has been a lot of talk about Cinnamon and recent data I reviewed in a proffesional pharmacy journal just last week states that Cinammon has not been shown to have any advantage in managing diabetes.

Coccina.. follows the same path. No conclusive evidence.

Magnesium: Is an essential mineral for a whole host of body processes including muscle function, relieving PMS, Energy breakdown and utilization, preventing migraines etc.. but no specific and credible information regarding additonal supplementation to control diabetes. I recommend a multivitamin which includes enough magnesium. For Additional supplementation, even if magnesium is OTC, I would consult with a doctor for specific conditions.

There will not be a substitute for diabetes control other than what the health organizations and US Hospitals and universities, such as ADA and The World Health Organization. I outlined all these steps CLEARLY in my book "Lifestyle Makeover for Diabetics" where I based my data from these respectable resources. It is written in very simple language for the average individual.

Diabetes control is a combination of taking medications as prescribed, monitoring the various crucial parameters, lifestyle changes and losing weight by making favorable balanced food and activity choices and stress management, ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

I hope I was able to help and all of these issues I discussed are covered much more extensively in simple format in my book mentioned below.

My Credentials:

George F Tohme, Pharmacist, graduated from The University of Pittsburgh, Pa in 1987 and currently practicing in Texas. I am certified in Diabetes (Univ. Of Pittsburgh) and Cholesterol Management (American Pharmacists Association), Smoking Cessation ( Univ. Of Pittsburgh), Nutrition Guidance (Cooper institute) and a Personal Trainer (ACE).

Author of: "Lifestyle Makeover for Diabetics".

Read Excerpts:

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Future Release: "Lifestyle Makeover for Smokers"

George Tohme R.Ph.
Lifestyle Makeover
2911 Turtle Creek Blvd.
Suite 300
Dallas, Tx 75219

Tel: 214 523 9008
Fax: 214 523 9001
Cel: 214 674 0183

Difficult Weight Loss With Detoxing

When you eat, the food is normally absorbed into the bloodstream in the form of sugars, such as glucose and fats. The increase in glucose in the bloodstream is the signal to the pancreas that it needs to secrete the insulin hormone. This hormone attaches to cells and removes the glucose from the bloodstream so that it can then be used by the body for energy.

In the case of insulin resistance, the body's cells do not respond to the action of insulin. To compensate for this, the pancreas begins releasing greater amounts of insulin. People with insulin resistance have higher levels of insulin in the blood, and overtime, these people can end up developing diabetes. This is due to the body not being able to compensate any longer for the high level of sugars in their bloodstream. A weight loss detox program can not only help these individuals lose weight, which is often necessary for diabetic people, but it can also help to reverse insulin resistance.

Symptoms of Insulin Resistance Syndrome

There are several issues associated with insulin resistance syndrome that a weight loss detox program can help with. These include:

- Type 2 Diabetes, Impaired Fasting Glucose and Impaired Glucose Tolerance: This is due to the pancreas being unable to produce enough insulin to overcome insulin resistance. The blood glucose levels become too high and type 2 diabetes is the result.

- High Blood Pressure: Studies suggest that high blood pressure results in worse insulin resistance.

- Bad Cholesterol Levels: Individuals with insulin resistance tend to have low good cholesterol (HDL) and high levels of triglycerides (blood fat).

- Heart Disease: Insulin resistance can cause hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and an increase risk of blood clots, which could lead to stroke or heart attack.

- Kidney Damage: A sign that kidney damage has occurred is protein in the urine, although not everyone with insulin resistance will show this trait.

- Obesity: Obesity promotes insulin resistance as well as all of the symptoms above. This is especially true in the case of abdominal obesity. A weight loss detox program can help to improve the body's ability to recognize and use insulin correctly.


Insulin resistance is not easy to diagnose. Typically, a doctor will suspect that you have insulin resistance if you show these signs:

- Obesity or overweight (Body Mass Index (BMI) above 25)

- More than one parent or sibling who suffers from type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease or hypertension.

- Age of 40 years or older

- Gestational diabetes while pregnant

- History of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

- Pre-diabetes

- Member of an ethnic group including Native American, Latino and African American.

With the increase in obesity in children, there is also a greater risk that they will develop insulin resistance as well.


There are numerous drugs that are approved to treat the insulin resistance seen with type 2 diabetes, such as Actos, Avandia and Metformin (Glucophage). These drugs are designed to make the body more sensitive to insulin. There are also other drugs used to treat high cholesterol and hypertension, as these are often side effects of insulin resistance.

If you participate in a weight loss detox program, you will find that you are able to quickly and easily lose the abdominal fat that puts you at a greater risk for these conditions. Additionally, you will find that you lose weight because you are purging yourself of all the toxins and poisons that can cause insulin resistance in the first place. You will also lose weight, which removes obesity as a contributing factor to insulin resistance.


If utilizing drugs is not something you are interested in and if you are not at risk by not utilizing them, then there are more natural options available to you. One of these options is Glucofast, available from Glucofast is an insulin resistance supplement that provides you with the powerful nutrients necessary to shift your metabolism automatically. It helps you to regulate your blood sugar, correct your metabolism, enhance your energy and helps you to lose weight while on a weight loss detox program.

When you combine Glucofast with a healthy lifestyle and 30 minutes of walking five days a week, you will find that you can not only prevent insulin resistance, but you will also reverse the effects of insulin resistance that you may already be feeling. You will also find that weight loss no longer has to be difficult.

Dr. Roni Deluz, RN, ND, PhD is a life style consultant and owner of Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat. She is also the author of "21 Pounds in 21 Days," which debuted #3 on the New York Times Bestseller list. She is a registered nurse, colonic therapist and naturopathic doctor. She travels across the country helping people to make their lives better and healthier via natural health sciences. For more information on her book, products and services visit

What You Should Do for Diabetes Treatment

Today, being diagnosed with diabetes does not mean what it used to. For many people, before more was learned about diabetes and how to best treat the condition, there weren't many options. Today there are many types of diabetes treatment that may be suitable for you, some may include medication, while others may not.

The best thing for you to do is talk with your doctor. It may be possible to seek diabetes treatment without having to deal with injection and medication. It particularly depends on the type of diabetes you have, the causes, and your current status.

One diabetes treatment and prevention factor is diet and exercise. The habits you develop with regard to exercise and diet can dramatically improve diabetes, minimize complications, and control your blood sugar. The best thing about diet and exercise as a diabetes treatment is that it can also prevent diabetes in some cases as well.

By introducing a healthy diet to your lifestyle, you can control the levels of sugar in your blood, as well as take steps to prevent further complications from the condition. Obesity is one of the most common causes of developing diabetes. Losing weight can help in controlling the condition and living a better life. If you need help, your physician can recommend a program or dietitian to help you gain control over your eating habits.

Your diet should consist of regular balanced meals that contain little sugar, little saturated fat, and a great amount of healthy fiber. It is further important to keep the diet consistent. This means that you should be consuming about the same levels of calories throughout each day, this allows you to control your blood sugar and keep it at the appropriate level for your body.

Along with diet, exercise is important as well to diabetes treatment. Any form of regular exercise is great for your body and your diabetes. You should exercise at least three times weekly for twenty minutes each time. Walking, jogging, or other exercise is extremely beneficial. However, before starting any exercise program, you should first consult your physician for approval. Doing exercises could be detrimental to your health, if done inappropriately.

If you have trouble controlling your blood sugar levels with the above steps, your physician may need to take your diabetes treatment to the next level. There are various types of medication available to treat diabetes, which could include both oral and injection based medicine. Insulin is the only injection type of diabetes treatment used today. Typically, this is only used when insulin is no longer produced by the pancreas.

Other types of medication include Avandia, Actos, Prandin, Glyset, Precose, Glucophage, Micronase, and Glucotrol. All of these work in different ways to absorb, produce, or use insulin within the body.

It is important to your diabetes treatment to consistently monitor your blood sugar levels. You should check your blood before eating and before going to bed. The results should be recorded within a personal diabetes treatment logbook.

Not only should the results of your blood sugar level test be recorded, but you should also record various other things such as medication doses, what and when you have eaten during the day, how long and what times you exercised that day, and if you have had results too low or too high, then how they were treated.

Be involved in your diabetes treatment and take the necessary steps to ensure you live a long, high quality life, even with diabetes.

For more insights and additional information about Diabetes Treatment please visit our web site at

Diabetes and Vitamin C

What if instead of taking Actos (pioglitazone) or Avandia (rosiglitazone) or Glucophage (metformin), the medication you really needed for blood sugar control in diabetes were vitamin C? A study coming from Iran suggests that for some diabetics, vitamin C might be as useful as many common medications.

Researchers at the Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences & Health Services followed 84 diabetics given either 500 mg or 1,000 mg of supplemental vitamin C every day for six weeks.

Taking 500 mg of vitamin C every day did not result in any measurable benefits. Diabetics taking 1,000 mg of vitamin C a day, however, had lower fasting blood glucose, lower triglycerides, lower LDL cholesterol, and lower HbA1C in just 42 days.

How much lower?

Average fasting blood glucose levels fell from 169.33 mg/dl to 144.80 mg/dl.

Average HbA1C fell from 8.82 per cent to 7.66 per cent. (This is better than most medications.)

Average LDL cholesterol fell from 130.95 mg/dl to 125.91 mg/dl.

And the drop in insulin levels was astonishing, from 16.91 microunits per ml to 8.77 microunits per ml.

When there is less insulin, there is less fat storage. Vitamin C should help diabetics keep from gaining weight.

These results suggest that many diabetics may benefit from vitamin C, but the results should be interpreted with some reservations. If you are already on one or several medications, the additional benefits of taking a 1,000 mg vitamin C tablet every day, at least in terms of your blood sugars, triglycerides, and HbA1c, may be limited. Also, vitamin in your blood interacts with the enzymes in blood glucose test strips so that the glucometer reading is low, while the actual blood sugar is higher.

It's also possible that using vitamin C for several months can, like using R-lipoic or alpha-lipoic acid, give you a reduction in HbA1C that doesn't really result from improved blood sugars. Doctors test HbA1C to get a rough estimate of how high or low blood sugars have run over several months. Strong antioxidants keep glucose from "sticking" to hemoglobin, so less HbA1C is formed at the same blood sugar level.

The effects of vitamin C on blood sugar measurements of various kinds may not be major, but they do tend to exaggerate the vitamin's benefits. Where vitamin C might really help you is to keep you from gaining weight.

Just get your C from an extended-release formula, and make sure you don't take more than 1,000 mg a day. You may, according to some other studies, get some benefits from just 250 mg a day.

Vitamin C is also important for diabetics' cardiovascular health.

That's because the amount of vitamin C a diabetic gets may also measure risk of stroke. Among the 20,649 participants in the Norfolk Prospective Population Study in the UK, those whose bloodstream concentrations of vitamin C ranked in the top 25 per cent were 42 per cent less likely to have a stroke than those in the bottom 25 per cent.

This finding does not prove that diabetics can prevent strokes by taking vitamin C, or even confirm with certainty that diabetics can reduce their risk of stroke by taking vitamin C. It is possible that there's some other element of a healthy lifestyle that goes along with getting enough vitamin C that's really protective. This study does show, however, that getting adequate vitamin C certainly does not hurt diabetics' cardiovascular health.

Robert Rister is the author or co-author of nine books on natural healing and has been writer or guest on over 300 radio and television shows. Visit his natural health news website at Savvy Natural Healer.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Using Diabetes Pills

There are several different options available for controlling type 2 diabetes. They have traditionally included insulin injections, diabetes pills, and more recently inhalant medications such as Exubera. Determining what type of treatment works best for you is a decision that should be made in consultation with your doctor and diabetes support team. Some considerations are:

* What is your level of requirement for insulin?

* Do you need one pill or a combination of pills?

* Will you require insulin and pills in combination?

There are several major types of diabetes pills currently on the market. Below is a summary of the major types and their uses.

Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors

These mediations slow down the body's ability to breakdown and digest starches such as bread, pasta, potatoes and even some sugars. These pills need to be taken at the beginning of a meal, and can be very effective in controlling blood glucose levels. They are marketed under the names of Precose and Glyset. The side effects to using alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are gas and intestinal discomfort with diarrhea.


Metformin is the drug name for the Biguanides, which acts to decrease the amount of glucose produced by the liver, and also makes the fat cells, cells in the liver and the muscles more sensitive to insulin so it can be absorbed easier. This medication has been proven effective for individuals with insulin resistance, and is taken twice a day, every day. There is initially some diarrhea, but this will improve over the time that the medication is taken and will also improve if the medication is taken just before the meal.


Known by the names of Starlix and Prandin, this medication causes the beta cells to produce more insulin. The medication is taken before each of the three daily meals, and produces the same effect as an insulin shot. It is important to control your carbohydrate intake while using these medications. Since the drug causes a rapid increase in the release of insulin by the pancreas it is important to watch for hypoglycemia, and carry candies or glucose tablets or gel to counteract the medication.


These drugs are some of the original drugs used to control diabetes. They were first used in the 1950's, but have been improved and advanced. They work the same as the meglitinides to increase the production of insulin by the pancreas thereby reducing the blood glucose levels.

Sulfonylureas are usually taken one or two times a day with meals. They are often combined with other diabetes medications and have different interactions with different medications. Care needs to be taken when combining drugs to monitor any possible side effects.


These drugs, marketed as Avandia, Rezulin or Actos make the cells of the muscles and liver work better with insulin, and also reduce the release of glucose by the liver. They are usually taken one or two times a day, with meals, and can be very effective in lowing blood glucose levels. There is a significant and serious side effect to taking these drugs for some people. Individuals on these medications will need to have regular blood work to determine the functioning of their liver, as severe complications have been noted.

Diabetes pills can be very effective as treatments for controlling diabetes. As with any medication it is important to stick strictly to the prescribed doses and to consult with a doctor should any side effects be noted.

Karen Newton is a registered nurse and acclaimed author with over 25 years of health care experience. Her newest book, Diabetic Diet Secrets, is an easy to follow guide to losing weight and getting control of your diabetes. Karen offers a free Diabetic Tips Course at

Friday, July 11, 2008

Insulin Resistance: Change Your Diet

Late onset diabetes usually means that a person has too much insulin because his cells cannot respond to insulin. Too much insulin constricts arteries to cause heart attacks, and stimulates your brain and liver to make you hungry and manufacture fat.

Most people who develop diabetes in later life can be controlled so that they are not at increased risk for the many complications of diabetes such as heart attacks, strokes, blindness, deafness, amputations, kidney failure, burning foot syndrome or varicose veins with skin ulcers.

The Insulin Resistance Syndrome puts you at very high risk for a heart attack and is associated with storing fat in the belly, rather than the hips; having high blood triglyceride levels and low level of the good HDL cholesterol; and high blood pressure.

If you have any of these signs, check with your doctor who will order a blood test called HBA1C. If it is high, you have diabetes and can usually be controlled with diet and/or medication. You should learn how to avoid foods that give the highest rise in blood sugar. When you eat, blood sugar level rises. The higher it rises, the more sugar sticks on cells. Once stuck on a cell membrane, sugar can never detach itself. It is converted to a poison called sorbitol that damages the cell to cause all the side effects of diabetes mentioned above.

The foods that cause your blood sugar to rise quickly include all types of flour products: bread, spaghetti, macaroni, bagels, rolls, crackers, cookies and pretzels; refined corn products and white rice; and all sugar-added foods.

There are two type of drugs that are used to treat diabetes: those that lower blood sugar and raise insulin, and those that lower blood sugar and lower insulin also. The safest drugs are those that lower both insulin and sugar. Most diabetics should be on Glucophage (metformin) before meals, at least while you are learning to change your diet and bring your weight where it belongs. It prevents blood sugar levels from rising too high and sticking to cells and has an excellent safety record. However, eating a bagel will produce such a high rise in blood sugar that Glucophage will not be effective, so Glucophage must be used in addition to avoiding foods that cause a high rise in blood sugar. If HBA1C cannot be controlled with diet and Glucophage, your doctor will usually add Avandia 4mg or Actos 30mg. They are essentially the same and can cause liver damage, so liver tests must be done monthly, at least for the first few months.

You should be seen monthly and get either a HBA1C (which measures blood sugar control over the past two months) or fructosamine (which measures control over two weeks). Each time that your HBA1C is above normal (6.1), you should yell at your doctor to change your drugs and he should yell at you to change your diet.

If your HBA1C is still not under control, you need to take a drug that raises insulin levels. I usually start with Glipizide XL. If that doesn't control your HBA1C, I raise the dose, and if that still doesn't work, you will need to inject yourself with insulin. Check with your doctor.

Who is pre-diabetic?

What should a diabetic or pre-diabetic eat?

Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties. For more information and hundreds of health and fitness reports, visit

Free weekly newsletter on fitness, health and nutrition

Monday, July 7, 2008

Canadian Pharmacies: Replacing Local Chemist Role in Medicine Supply

Consumers nowadays are replacing their journey to local drugstores with just a click onto the Internet where they find websites selling prescription drugs and health products at a cheap rate. Internet pharmacies offer convenience and savings and are gaining a larger share of the prescription drug market. There are two primary reasons why people choose to obtain prescription drugs online from Canadian Internet pharmacies. The first is cost. And the second reason is privacy.

Online Canadian pharmacies are considered to be very popular among Americans. Majority Americans buy their prescription drugs from online Canadian pharmacies. They believe they can save an average of approximately 40% cost of drug if they buy their medicines from Canadian Internet pharmacies instead of U.S. local drugstores. This is due to the fact that there are many online Canadian pharmacies and they lower their prices to increase their sales figure. The medications offering the major discounts were Zyprexa, Actos and Nexium.

Canadian pharmacies offer overall best prices on Canadian drugs, as well as on international drugs. Ordering prescription drug online is a very easy process. While ordering online, you can send your prescription with it or you can fax it. Once you have placed an order, under general conditions your drug will be delivered at your door within 14 days. For the best buy in prescription medicines, opt for generic drugs from an online pharmacy. Generic drugs have the same active ingredients and work just as effectively, but cost much less.

Canadian pharmacies are licensed and regulated by the college of Pharmacy in each province. If you are planning to buy your prescription drugs online from Canada you need to ensure that you are dealing with a legitimate pharmacy. In order to assess Canadian Internet Pharmacies, one should look for the following safety and service standards like:

  • The pharmacy's license number.

  • Asking patients to provide a doctor's prescription.

  • Asking patients to submit details of their medical history.

  • Displaying the pharmacy's mailing address and a telephone number on their website.

Brand-name drugs are often substantially less in price when purchased from Canadian Internet pharmacy. Renowned licensed Canadian pharmacies are selling prescription medications that are safe, secure and approved for a fraction of the cost U.S. people would pay. Forty-one of the 44 brand-name drugs examined were less expensive in Canada. As per price regulation in Canada, prescription drugs are much cheaper than in the United States.

For many years, consumers near Canada have driven across the border to buy their drugs at considerable savings from Canadian pharmacies. Now consumers across the country can purchase from a Canadian pharmacy through Internet or by mail. Canadian pharmacies typically require proof of identity and a valid prescription. Prescription drugs purchased from a Canadian pharmacy at a discount price are just as good as those purchased in the United States.

Wain Roy is an internet marketing professional expert in various industries like real estate, web design, finance, medical tourism and Canada pharmacy