Saturday, June 21, 2008

Deutact and How It Can Help Improve Low Blood Sugar Levels

Have you just found out that you're suffering from diabetes? If so, let me warn you that high blood sugar level isn't the only thing you should worry about. Sometimes, believe it or not, diabetics are also in danger of having insufficient blood sugar in their bodies, and this condition is equally fraught with danger.

Basic Facts about Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia is the more formal term for low blood sugar. This occurs when an individual's blood sugar level is inadequate in providing the required energy. In other words, when you're feeling particularly low, it could be that your body doesn't have enough glucose in it.

This condition usually appears only as a side effect of certain medicinal treatments for diabetes. There are however other causes for hypoglycemia, such as the following: wrong diet, excessive consumption of alcohol and pregnancy or other causes for hormonal imbalance.

Regardless of the cause for hypoglycemia, the symptoms are fairly universal:

Hunger - This is a good indication that you're experiencing hypoglycemia, especially when it's accompanied by other symptoms.

"Bad" Feelings - When you feel weird, disoriented, nervous, weak, or dizzy for no reason at all, that's another strong indication that your blood sugar level is alarmingly low.

Sleepiness - If your head keeps falling forward and you keep yawning, you might be experiencing hypoglycemia already.

Speaking Difficulties - Do you suddenly have a hard time stringing two words together? If that's the case, consider it as another symptom of hypoglycemia.

Nightmares - Yes, bad dreams are also considered as an indication of having insufficient glucose in your body.

Excessive Perspiration - Whether you're asleep or not, if you're perspiring excessively for no reason at all, that's another indication that you're suffering from hypoglycemia.

How to Prevent Having Low Blood Sugar Level

There are several ways for you to successfully avoid suffering from low blood sugar:

Medication - Are the medicines you're taking all prescribed by your personal physician? Even though it's your best friend who has made a recommendation about a certain medicine, your best friend isn't fully cognizant of your medical history - your doctor is, so trust him, and not your best friend. Certain medicines, although proven to be effective, may have undesirable side effects for specific types of users. Mostly with diabetic treatments, patients have to make do with a match-match method: some medicines are for you, some are not.

Diet - The type of diet you must adhere to depends on the primary cause of hypoglycemia. Low blood sugar level caused by diabetic treatments will require a different diet from what's required by low blood sugar level resulting from non-diabetic causes.

The Role of Duetact

Recently, Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. introduced a new treatment for type 2 diabetes in the market: Duetact. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Duetact combines two popular diabetic medicines, Actos and glimepiride, into one singular medication. While Actos is primarily used to help individuals accept insulin into their bodies, glimepiride boosts the insulin production of the body.

The main objective of Duetact is to normalize blood sugar levels and keep it that way. By the way Duetact works, it can successfully reduce the risks of an individual experiencing hypoglycemia.

Since Duetact is a combination of two effective medications, taking Duetact makes it easier for diabetics to manage their medicinal needs.

Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, based in Illinois, is under the Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, the largest pharmaceutical firm in Japan.

Karen Newton is a registered nurse and fulltime freelance writer dealing with endocrinology issues such as diabetes and hypoglycemia. To get a free copy of the "7 Day Hypoglycemia Survival Guide" go to: